
Protection Orders / Family Violence

Unfortunately many Family Law matters involve a degree of domestic abuse and violence.  We assist our clients in obtaining protection through a Protection Order or Family Violence Interdict at the local Magistrate’s Court.  Be it for the prevention of domestic violence- including verbal abuse, physical abuse, or emotional and financial abuse, or be it for the prevention of damage to joint property or the alienation of a joint property.

Not only can adults obtain Protection Orders, but we have also represented children in the past who obtained Protection Orders against their parents. As the name indicates, you can only obtain a Protection Order against family members, with the exception that it can also be obtained between parties who have co-habitated in a romantic relationship.

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39 Baird Street


South Africa


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Tel:   (041) 992-5550
Fax:  (041) 992-5551


PE Branch

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7 Bird Street


Port Elizabeth



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Tel: 041 8200455 / 041 4504475


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